【Deep Listening #3】
403台中市西區精明一街75號/精誠路92號B1, Taichung, Taiwan
Nigel Brown
入場: 預售 NT200 / 現場 NT250
Open: 19:30 / Start: 20:00
Tickets: https://www.accupass.com/event/1708251905145769937150
FB event: www.facebook.com/events/148186599098408
The music played or performed in the deep listening series will largely be minimal/ambient. Unlike other forms of music, the changes will be very subtle over a long duration. To the untrained ear, it may be a bit challenging to sit through a whole hour of it, but when one is placed in an environment where visual distractions are cancelled out, one begins to realize how much detail is actually present in the music.
In these listening sessions, we will minimize visual distractions and immerse the audience in a purely sonic environment. The audience is welcome to get into whatever position that is ideal for their listening experience.
Nigel 用以一改造手風琴來製造特殊的延續聲音樂器。
Nigel Brown 從2004年大學畢業後,就一直在聲音和實驗音樂領域工作。他的廣泛興趣讓他於各界都很活躍,如即興音樂表演、錄音出版製作、展覽裝置、舞蹈和劇場的聲音設計。
Nigel 於2006年於澳洲皇家墨爾本科技大學 (RMIT) 完成了純藝術碩士,於此大學亦於2004 年完成了媒體藝術學士,主修聲音藝術。
Nigel has deconstructed a piano accordion to create a unique drone instrument.
Nigel Brown has been working in the field of sound and experimental music since graduating from university in 2004. His range of interests have led to working in improvised performance, recording for publication, gallery-based installation, and sound design for dance and theatre.
He has performed extensively in Australia, Europe and East Asia in events ranging from major festivals to small independent gigs. His work is focussed on exploritory approaches to physical materials; finding unexpected sonic possibilities in existing instruments or other objects.
Nigel completed an MFA at RMIT University in 2006, and a Bachelor of Arts (Media Arts) in 2004, specialising in sound.
*手機靜音 (不開手機加分)
*場地禁止吸菸 (若需要請至精明一街吸菸區)