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台南 Tainan, Taiwan

  • Ting Shuo Hear Say No.33, Ln. 176, Sec. 3, Minzu Rd., West Central Dist., Tainan City Taiwan (map)

聽說有表演第八場 Ting Shuo Has Performance Eight

2017.2.11. Sat. 7pm (入場 door open), 7:30pm (開演 start)
@聽說 Ting Shuo Hear Say


\ solo: 林其蔚 Chiwei Lin
\\ duo: 王福瑞 Fujui Wang + 盧藝 Yi Lu
\\\ duo: Dino + Nigel Brown
入場 Entrance nt$300

2月12日週日下午2點,於海馬迴光畫館放映金馬導演陳芯宜的「如果耳朵有開關」- 林其蔚、王福瑞和Dino三位的紀錄片。入場 nt$200

預購套票優惠:表演和紀錄片 450元,學生價 400元

--------------------------- 聽說有表演第八場藝術家 Ting Shuo Has Performance Eight Artists ---------------------------

::::林其蔚 Chiwei Lin::::

林其蔚是台灣聲響藝術的先鋒,並且是90年代以來參與台灣另翼文化的中堅份子。從90年代開始即投入開發聲響實驗,為噪音團體「零與聲音解放組織」中的一員,並結合身體行動、行為表演探索感官、意識的極限,與嘗試開發新的知覺模式。他對於聲音物理與身體反應之間的研究興趣,結合了對生活、社會體制與文化層面的觀察,作品中總能運用二者呈現交互指涉的意涵,林其蔚的創作運用多樣化的媒材,從身體到頻率、文件裝置、影音媒體和實驗影片拍攝,並將這些都視為「生命的雕塑」,他實踐生活就是創作,而創作也就是他的生活。除聲音、裝置等個人創作,還曾主辦過「破爛節」(1994)、「後工業藝術祭」(1995)、「裂獸之歌」 (2002)等大型活動。

Lin studied French literature, culture ethnology, and media art in different institutions between 1989-2002. His works are interpreted under diverse forms such as painting, performance, video and sound recordings. He also creates sound works with the participation of the audience. Lin was the co-founding member of Zero and Sound Liberation Organization (Z.S.L.O.), the first noise group in Taiwan. He also co-organised Taipei Broken Life Festival which marks the highpoint of the local noise movement. Since the late-1990s, Lin has been exploring in the realms of folklore culture, and through his work, integrating sound, ritual and the participation of the audience. He also is involved in research program on sound cultures. His first book dedicated to sound art research, Beyond Sound Art – The Avant-Garde, Soundchines, and the Modernity of Hearing was published in 2012. 

Performance Documentation 表演紀錄:林其蔚 Lin Chiwei 音腸 Tape Music

::::王福瑞 Fujui Wang::::

王福瑞為台灣早期重要前衛的數位藝術以及聲音藝術藝術家兼策展人,他帶領台灣聲音藝術進入了新的領域與發展,1993年以先鋒之姿成立台灣第一個實驗音樂廠牌和出版刊物「Noise」,2000年加入台灣媒體藝術發展中少數中少數以互動為主的創作實驗團體「在地實驗」,並推動國際「異響 /Bias」聲音藝術展與「台北數位藝術獎」聲音藝術類別。王福瑞目前任職北藝大新媒系助理教授,曾工作於北藝大科技藝術中心以及台北數位藝術中心,並策劃多場相關展覽與活動,包含2008年至2012年的「超響」聲音藝術節與2007年至2009年的「台北數位藝術節」。
2015年與藝術家盧藝 Yi Lu 成立「響相工作室」(Soundwatch studio),持續致力推動海內外聲音藝術相關展覽與表演以及工作坊,該工作室致力嘗試以創新實驗性的聲音作為主要核心概念,執行聲音藝術的相關創作與其推廣計畫。

Fujui Wang is an artist and curator specialized in sound art and interactive art whose work has played a key role in establishing sound as a new artistic genre in Taiwan. A pioneer of sound art in Taiwan, in 1993 he founded NOISE, the country’s first experimental sound label. In 2000 he joined the media art collective Etat and launched the BIAS International Sound Art Exhibition and Sound Art Prize for the Digital Art Awards Taipei. 
He is currently an assistant professor of the Taipei National University of the Arts, worked for the TranSonic Lab at the Center for Art and Technology of the Taipei National University of the Arts, he has curated numerous exhibitions and festivals, including the 2008 ,2009, 2010 and 2012 editions of the TransSonic Sound Art Festival and the 2007 to 2009 editions of the Digital Art Festival Taipei. 
In 2015, Fujui Wang and another artist Yi Lu have co-founded the Soundwatch Studio to promote the creation, exhibition, performance and workshop of renovating and experimental audio art both locally and internationally.

::::盧藝 Yi Lu::::

盧藝為聲音藝術家和「響相工作室」成員。交通大學應用藝術研究所畢,曾於舊金山藝術大學AAU、舊金山藝術學院SFAI進修藝術。「響相工作室」演出於比利時「異響2015-台比聲音藝術交流計畫」以及英國「台北90-95噪音現場+逆流音樂節」開幕。另獨立在「台北數位藝術節 2015」、「超聲波 2016」等藝術活動,呈現電磁波、手工自製電子樂器、電路擾動、硬體駭客和類比錯誤聲響演出。

Yi Lu is a sound artist, a member at Soundwatch Studio. Yi Lu pursued MA degree in the Institute of Applied Arts at National Chiao Tung University, She took additional program of art from the Academy of Art University and the San Francisco Art Institute. She also has appeared performances alongside Fujui Wang, including th “B!as 2015: Taiwan-Belgium Sound Art Exchange Project” in Belgiu and the inaugural performance for “Shoot the Pianist-The Noise Scene in Taipei 1990-95 Exhibition” in U. Yi Lu has appeared solo at the “Digitopia Digital Art Festival Taipei 2015”, “Hypersonic 2016”, etc.; using electromagnetic waves, home-made electronic instruments, circuit bending, hardware hackers, and analog errors to create immersive sonic environments.

Performance Documentation 表演紀錄:王福瑞 Fujui Wang + 盧藝 Yi Lu

::::Dino (廖銘和)::::

Dino,本名廖銘和,居於台北,製作古琴,並做噪音表演。臺灣90年代噪音第二波代表人物,曾為知名團體「夾子」樂隊成員。他的創作標識著九零年代後半期臺北噪音運動在技術上走向純類比電子,在內涵上建立獨立美學之里程碑。Dino 的電子音響來自於極其簡陋的模擬器材,利用線路雜音、靜電或麥克風回饋建立迴圈回路,在無音源的狀況下創造「買空賣空」的「再生音樂」(Recycle Music)。
近年來Dino 參與實驗電影、小劇場現場配樂製作,曾獲臺北電影節最佳音效獎。Dino 對於英倫龐克文化及中國古典文化研究著力甚深,這些影響當可見於其作品之中。

Dino (aka Liao Ming-He) is a guqin (an ancient stringed Chinese musical instrument) maker and noise performer based in Taipei. Once a bassist of the Clippers Band, he is a seminal figure in the second wave of the noise movement in Taiwan during the late-1990s. He uses simple analogue equipment to create electronic sound with no input, which is known as ‘recycle music’, by generating loops from circuitry noise, static, or microphone feedback. In recent years, Dino participates in experimental films and live music production for the theatre. He was awarded Best Sound Effects in Taipei Film Festival (2003). Dino is particularly fond of British punk subculture and traditional Chinese classics, of which the influence can be found from his works. 

Performance Documentation 表演紀錄:Dino

Earlier Event: January 19
臺中 Taichung, Taiwan
Later Event: February 26
苗栗 Miaoli, Taiwan